The Pros & Cons of Being a Temporary Worker Today

By Helen, 24 August, 2016
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After temping in various other offices all over the place, I am now temping in my own '' and this has the added of freedom of being able to type while waiting for the washing machine to finish. Although lone working can feel quite isolated at times I have found ways to deal with this such as visiting 'Eat, Drink, Chill Cafe' next to the Springfield Parish Centre Library over the road to enjoy a 'R Whites Premium Lemonade Ice Lolly made with Real Lemons' and bottle of Aqua Pure for £2. 


Its lovely and quiet in there during School Holidays. 

Also a good place to leave my leaflets created by @polarcreative.  


Another pro about temping at is that I can work from the bus, library, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and the park and have Mr Phil's Ice-cream van on tap (once I've beat all the kids to the front of the queue of course).